Free Shipping with PreOrders
TBC’s new CD, “Long Awaited King” is in production and due to be shipped November, 15th. Now you can be one of the first to get a copy! If you preorder by November 15th, shipping is free. You can save even more by ordering in bulk, although free shipping will not be included. Here’s the offer:
- 2 for $25 (U.S.)
- 3-4 for $12.50 each
- 5-10 for $10. each
Just send your name, address, and email information along with the number of CDs you want to order (they make great Christmas presents!) to You will receive instructions for payment.
Watch for “Long Awaited King” to soon be available on ITunes.
TBC Christmas CD Goes Into Design & Production
Last Friday, after what seemed like weeks in the studio, we said good-bye to our friends at BIAS Studios and walked out with final mastered tracks in our hot little hands. We are really excited about being to this stage. Now, we’re working with designer Erin Kuhlenbeck to put the “package” together for the CD production company.
The CD, “Long Awaited King,” features artwork on the cover by California artist Anne Moore, a printmaker. Her linocut, “Sanctuary,” depicts a lush green garden as seen through a closed gate. Inside, Sharon writes, “There is a desire in every heart, a longing to enter the lush sanctuary of God’s love. Many times, it is in the waiting that we feel closest to God and can hear His voice the best. So as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we also honor the season of waiting, particularly in waiting for his return as King. May this season be one of awe, wonder and excitement!”
Ten tracks of original compositions and innovative arrangements of traditional music for the Christmas season, “Long Awaited King” is everything from intimate acoustic piano and guitar stylings to celtic fiddle jig to joyful rock, all framing the tandem harmony of The Braeded Chord. We’d love for you to hear a sneak preview of one of the tracks.
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BCP Open for Business!
Welcome to the new Braeded Chord Productions Website, now open for business! New features include the ability to purchase either physical or downloadable products—you can either order printed music or CDs which will be shipped to your address, or instantly download them and print/listen to them without delay!
Upcoming products include a new CD by The Braeded Chord, “Long Awaited King,” to hit the airwaves by November. This features music for advent and Christmas, and is a mixture of old and new, traditional and originals, all done in a variety of styles to keep the listener engaged. Also in the works is a new setting for Morning Prayers, commissioned by the ALCM (Association of Lutheran Church Musicians) Region IV, to be debuted at its conference at Cal Lutheran University in California next summer.
We’d love to hear your comments about this new website and the music of The Braeded Chord.
Here to serve you,
Sharon and Doris
The Braeded Chord
BCP Goes to ALCM Seattle
Braeded Chord Productions will be represented at the National ALCM (Assoc. of Lutheran Church Musicians) Convention beginning Sunday, July 31, in Seattle, WA. This event, held every other year, is a gathering of the “movers and the shakers” and the music makers in the Lutheran denomination. The convention will be hosted by Seattle University and features many concerts, speakers, workshops and worship services and includes offerings from classical to modern worship. BCP will have a table in the exhibition hall with offerings from its growing catalog of church music for modern worship and information on its Teen Worship Boot Camp. There will be freebies! and depending on the wi-fi connectivity, posts from the conference. BCP has been invited to the next Region IV ALCM Gathering, to be held in California in 2012, and have been commissioned to write a new setting for Morning Prayers. This is to debut during the 2012 Gathering and then be available for congregations to use.
Around the World, Across the Street
Around the World, Across the Street was originally written by The Braeded Chord for Tyler Street United Methodist Church’s mission conference in 2005 and inspired by the words and ministry of Ray Truesdell. He has spent his life ministering to the homeless and those in need. Includes footage from TBC’s recent trip to Kenya.